Filter by Goal & Spike Analysis
New Filter Your Traffic Performance by Goal
Many websites have multiple conversion goals — newsletter signups, shopping cart purchases, user registration, account upgrades, etc. You can now select the goal you’re interested in on any of your performance reports with a new dropdown box next to the date range selection. You’ll be able to view separate conversion rates, revenue, CPA and profit metrics for the specific goal you’re interested in, as well as the aggregate metrics already available.
New Spike Analysis Report
We’ve introduced a new type of report to help you identify click fraud and other suspicious patterns in your paid traffic — Spike Analysis.
This new report highlights days where traffic sources have sent you more ad clicks than usual with a drop in conversion rate. You can segment your traffic by campaign, source, medium, content, landing page, keyword, search, referrer and location and we’ll perform the analysis on that traffic in real-time.