Detect, Block & Deter Click Fraud
17-29% of clicks on paid ads are fraudulent. You can stop paying for them.

Click Fraud is Costing You Money
Estimates from Click Forensics and Anchor Intelligence say 17-29% of clicks on paid ads are fraudulent. These clicks from scammers and competitors are costing you money while producing no sales, signups or revenue.
Detect Click Fraud As It Happens
Our state-of-the-art monitoring system inspects the quality of every ad click, 24 hours a day. Whether it's excessive non-converting clicks from specific countries, or a competitor repeatedly clicking your ads, Improvely can detect and notify you of suspicious activity.
Recover Lost Money From PPC Ads
Whenever click fraud is detected, Improvely will prepare a report with all the details you need to report the incident to the site or search engine you advertised on. Fraud reports include the IP addresses, locations, referring URLs and exact dates and times of every suspicious click recorded.
Block and Deter Fraudulent Clicks
Competitors clicking your ads to drain your budget have a lot to lose if they're caught and reported. Improvely shows them you're aware of their activity by sending suspicious clicks to a warning page instead of your website. We also give you their IP address and instructions to block it from seeing your ads.
See the details of every suspicious click on your ads. That includes the date and time, the IP address, what ad was clicked, the clicker's location, the referring URL, and the ad's landing page.
Download Activity Report
With just one click Improvely will download a report to your computer that you can attach to an e-mail or support ticket to request a refund from your advertising partner. This report contains all the details of the suspicious clicks, and even a prewritten message so you can just fill in your contact information.

An IP address is like your mailing address: it identifies exactly who was clicking your ads, and it's the information you need to block that person from seeing your ads in the future.
Fraud alerts show you the IP addresses used by whomever clicked your ads, and with just one click you can look up what organization those addresses belong to — like a competing business, or an ISP in a country you aren't advertising in.
Ready to get started?
Your first 14 days are always free.