Improvely Leadbit

Improvely helps you track and optimize the performance of your ads while protecting you from click fraud. Get started today with a 10% lifetime discount for Leadbit fans.

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How Improvely works

Improvely's your easy-to-use dashboard for tracking all of your marketing efforts in one place.


Built To Optimize Your Marketing

Improvely identifies the source of every signup and sale, whether it's from a marketing campaign or any other channel.

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Built-In Click Fraud Monitoring

Our monitoring systems inspect every click for signs of suspicious activity. Get alerted to potential click fraud instantly, then take action to protect your advertising budget.

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Meet Your Best Customers

Improvely shows you the real people using your site with an automatically created activity profile for each visitor. Get to know your most valuable customers so you can find more of them.

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Work With Your Team & Your Clients

Work alone, with a team, or with your clients — Improvely has team logins, custom-branded client reports, export tools and everything else your organization needs.

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Improvely works everywhere you advertise online

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We've spent thousands of dollars trying to get Google Analytics to do 10% of what Improvely does!
Jim Belosic
CEO of Shortstack

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